Call for papers: Life course influences on health and health inequalities: moving towards a Public Health perspective
The International Journal of Public Health is happy to announce that a new Call for Papers entitled “Life course influences on health and health inequalities: moving towards a Public Health Perspective” has been opened!
Life course influences are increasingly seen to hold the key to a better understanding of disease aetiology and the processes that lead to social inequalities in health. Even though the life course perspective has been a rapidly emerging area of research, the further development of theoretical models that elucidate the underlying biological, psychological and social pathways over the life span remains a strong challenge. Another challenging issue refers to the translation of life course findings into public health policy action. The aim of this call is to contribute to the further development of a holistic and theory-driven view of the life course, which takes into account the full range of explanatory factors – spanning multiple domains, levels and time – as well as their practical consequences.
The International Journal of Public Health invites authors to submit original papers (Original articles, Brief reports, Hints and Kinks, Reviews) dealing with theoretical and statistical challenges for the development of an interdisciplinary life course perspective in Public Health. Findings, which add to our understanding of how life course research contributes to prevention and health promotion will be welcome as well.
The call will be edited by Professor Matthias Richter (Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern) and Professor David Blane (School of Public Health, Imperial College London) and interested authors are welcome to submit their work until October 31st 2011!
Hello, I and a junior colleague are interested in submitting materials on life course and health in South India. WOuld this be of interest? Also, can you please clarify what are hints and kinks? Robin Oakley
Dear Dr. Oakley,
Thank you for your interest. I will get back to you by e-mail!
I am a final year undergraduate medical student, and I have done a short survey on recent flood that destroyed normal health status of people living in Pakistan.
I am interested for blogging that short research survey into International Journal of Public Health.
Is it possible or this journal accept these kind of work for blogging?
Many thanks,
Dear Zain,
Thank you for your interest. I will contact you by e-mail.
Have a nice week,
Good morning,
I have recently conducted a review on the etiology of comorbid conditions across the lifespan in persons with visual impairment, and am wondering if a topic this specific may be appropriate for this special issue of IJPH?
Dear Liz,
thank you for reading our blog and for your interest in our Journal. I will contact you by e-mail regarding your query.
best wishes,
I have worked extensively on ‘social work and challenge of bed-net untilization in Nigeria’ can this can categorise as ‘Life course influences on health and health inequalities: moving towards a Public Health Perspective’
Thank you
Dear Joshua,
thank you for your comment and apologies for the delay in replying. If you would like to submit your work please visit our website and follow the instructions for authors. Please also read our aims and scopes to see if your paper is suitable for submission in our Journal. Unfortunately, I cannot advice you based only on general description of your work.
I hope this helps and kind regards. thomy
I am a MPH stutent, I wish to submit my research work for publiation. I also want to know the number of words to be submitted and other relvevant information inluding the method of submission.
looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.
Dear Olaleye,
thank you for your comment. Please visit our journal’s website here . It contains a section called “instruction for authors”, where you will find all the information you are looking for. I hope this is helpful! Best wishes, thomy
I am a MPH student, I wish to submit my research work for publiation. I also want to know the number of words to be submitted and other relevant information inluding the method of submission.
looking forward to receiving your reply.
Hi have done systematic review on childhood obesity. I am working o different ideas now. Can i able to public them>if so could you please give me some information about submission. thank you
Saravana kumar
Dear Saravana Kumar,
if you are interested in submitting your article to our Journal, please see the instructions for authors on our website:
if you still have questions, you can e-mail me at ttonia [a]