New article on Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing – free access!
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test is used as a screening test for prostate cancer. Like with other screening methods, however, its is controversial and according to the CDC “currently, there is not enough evidence to decide if the potential benefits of prostate cancer screening outweigh the potential risks”. It is, therefore, very important that results from studies on the effects of PSA testing are published.
The International Journal of Public Health recently published a study called “Prostate-specific antigen testing in Tyrol, Austria: prostate cancer mortality reduction was supported by an update with mortality data up to 2008”. In this study (which is available online for free in html and pdf format), Dr. Willy Oberaigner and colleagues report results on the trend of prostate cancer mortality in the population of Tyrol, where more than 3/4 of the male population aged 45-74 had at least one PSA test in the past decade. Their results indicate a significant reduction in prostate cancer mortality.
Feel free to download the article and post your comments!
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