News on Physical Activity from GAPA!
Hello everyone! We are back and we would like to wish to each and every one of you a very happy and creative new year! We start off 2012 with an interesting announcement!
The Global Advocacy for Physical Activity (GAPA), is the advocacy council of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) and has just published its newsletter for 2011, which you can download here.
Highlights of the Newsletter include:
- United National High level Meeting on NCDs – a watershed for physical activity
- Advocacy tools
- Sharing news more often—Webinars, GlobalPAnet (a regular physical activity information service via an e-news and website)
- News from the Regions
- Promoting physically active young people – whole of school programmes
- NCD Alliance raises the bar on NCD advocacy
- Events in 2012
With physical inactivity having been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for mortality in the world, this newsletter makes a very interesting read! So do our latest articles on physical activity and exercise! A few examples:
– Weight-loss practices among university students in Mexico (available free of charge!)
– Factors associated with physical activity among Canadian high school students
– Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors among adults in Aleppo, Syria
– Longitudinal associations between family characteristics and measures of childhood obesity
Happy reading!