Course on Applied Bayesian Statistics in Medical Research and Health-Care Evaluation!
The Swiss School of Public Health+ is offering another very useful course for people interested in health care evaluation: Dr Thomas Gsponer and Professor Marcel Zwahlen will be the facilitators of the course, entitled “Applied Bayesian Statistics in Medical Research and Health-Care Evaluation”, which will be held on 18-20 May2013 in ISPM, Bern, Switzerland.
This course objectives are:
- To understand the role of Bayesian statistics in medical research and health-care evaluation, trial monitoring, and prediction
- To provide sources for detailed information on Bayesian methods
- To provide insight into available computational tools and presentation techniques for Bayesian analysis
- To highlight the need for sensitivity analysis and the dangers of naïve use of Bayesian methods
- To provide the basis for a unified statistical approach that allows to approach problems of analysis and design in a structured way
Course participants are expected to have a good understanding of basic biostatistical and epidemiological principles and to bring their own laptop.
For further details see here . Register online until 18 February 2013 following this link or by sending an e-mail to Sina.Henrichs[a]