Blogroll part 3! Recommended Public Health Blogs!
After our first and second Blogrolls, we thought it’s about time we had a third one, albeit short! So here it goes:
– As most of you are probably already aware of, PLOS has now a Public Health Blog. This blog was established about three months ago and already counts numerous posts on various Public Health related issues written by authors with different backgrounds in Public Health. Definitely worth following!
– And our latest find: The 2×2 project! This is project “aims to inform the health conversation through timely and effective communication of emerging public health science” and is sponsored by Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Their goal, as stated by them, is to “to engage a broader audience—including thought leaders and policy makers from outside the discipline—who can help translate scientific findings into practice.”They have quite an impressive lists of authors and apart from one-time posts they also have weekly round ups and (our favorite) a category called Pop Music, i.e. songs about Public Health! Go and check it out, lovely design as well! Very well done people!
Do you know these blogs? Any other Public Health Blogs you would recommend? Looking forward to your sugggestions!
The Public health blogs should be regular for all to get regular information on it.