IJPH is taking a short break from social media- but we’ll be back!
As a social media
junkie enthusiast, “taking a break from social media” is not an expression I ever imagined using for myself! No, I’m not fired (phew) nor am I taking a social media free month ! I will just be on maternity leave the next few months, so our journal’s blog, twitter and facebook will not be regularly updated (but there might be the occasional surprise!). However, as we love social media, we will be back! Stay tuned! Till then, have a look at the table of contents of our latest issue . If you get inspired and would like to submit a paper in our journal, have a look at our website where our aims and scope is indicated, as well as the instructions to authors. For tweets related to IJPH and other public health related papers, have a look at the Springer Public Health twitter account!
In the meantime I wish you all the best and see you soon!
Thomy Tonia
Social Media Editor
International Journal of Public Health