IJPH to soon become open access!

The news is already out since May 1st…but we are excited to reshare it!
What changes?
As you might have read, we will be transitioning to a Gold Open Access model from 1st January 2021. That means that all IJPH published articles will be immediately free to access, read and download for all. Yay!
At the same time, we will be moving from Springer Nature to Frontiers.
More information on dates, fees and processes will follow soon!
What stays the same?
The Swiss School of Public Health + is still the owner of IJPH and we will be proudly be celebrating together! SSPH+ is celebrating their 15 year anniversary and IJPH will soon become 100 years old! (we look younger, I know, everyone keeps saying that! )
We will still have a blog, although the address will change! More on that soon!
Of course our Editors in Chief and fantastic Editorial Board will remain the same….and most importantly, our mission to “provide a thoughtful forum for contemporary issues and challenges in global public health research and practice” will always be the main driver of IJPH!
Thank you to all the authors, reviewers and readers who have been supporting us and we look forward to continuing having you on board during and after this transition!
2 Responses
[…] 100 years coincides with moving to a Gold Open Access model with Frontiers. Visit our new website! As you might have noticed, our blog has also moved to […]
[…] Who organises it? This s the first joint call for papers organised by the two journals of the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+), namely the International Journal of Public Health (IJPH) and the Public Health Reviews (PHR)! What a great way to start our joint journey as gold open access journals! […]