Category: international journal of public health


We are 100 years old! Send us your wishes!

Not sure if I’m breaking some social media etiquette rules with this post, but it’s not every year that one turns 100! And for the International Journal of Public Health this year is 2021...


Words matter! Social versus spatial distancing

“Social distancing” is a term that most of us have not used or given it a second thought until recently. Nowadays, it seems every second phrase we use or hear is that. Social distancing...


Meet the (new) Editor: Vasilis Nittas!

We are happy to host an interview with Vasilis Nittas, the new Editor in Chief of our Young Researcher Editorials (YRE) series! Any comments? Share them below or directly with Vasilis on twitter (...


A journey of the Young Researcher Editorials

This post is written by Apolline Saucy. Apolline is a PhD candidate in environmental epidemiology at SwissTPH. Her research focuses on the health effects of aircraft noise in Switzerland. In parallel, she contributes to...


Warmer homes can improve population health in the UK

This is guest blogpost by Dr. Nathan Bray. Nathan is a Health Economist at Bangor University’s Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation and a Health and Care Research Wales fellow. Nathan holds a PhD in...


Weighted effect coding masterclass: watch online!

Do you remember our recent post about the advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies? The first author of the two relevant papers, Manfred te Grotenhuis, was invited to present the 2 papers in...