Category: international journal of public health

Thank you IJPH Reviewers! 0

Thank you IJPH Reviewers!

            Like every year, our Editors would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Reviewers that worked with us in 2013 to ensure the diversity, scientific interest...

Happy 50th birthday smoking awareness! 0

Happy 50th birthday smoking awareness!

This Saturday use a lighter. Not to light a cigarette, of course, but only the virtual candles of the birthday cake of smoking awareness. For on January 11th 1964, the Surgeon General of the...

Health-promoting behaviors and social support in Iranian women 0

Health-promoting behaviors and social support in Iranian women

In a recently published study at the International Journal of Public Health, the authors aimed to investigate health-promoting behaviours and their determinants, including social support and sociodemographic characteristics in Iranian women. In addition, womens’...

Metabolic syndrome and socioeconomic status in France 0

Metabolic syndrome and socioeconomic status in France

A newly published study at the International Journal of Public Health sought to investigate the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in France and its association with socioeconomic position. Data was taken from the French National...

Self-medication of antibiotics in Lebanon 0

Self-medication of antibiotics in Lebanon

Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health problem and has severe implications. There is a correlation between antibiotic misuse, self-medication with antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance. This is why the WHO describes self-medication with antibiotics...

Health Literacy and substance use among young men 0

Health Literacy and substance use among young men

A newly published study in the International Journal of Public Health sought to describe health literacy and its association with substance use among young men in Switzerland. Data were taken from the Cohort Study...