Thank you IJPH Reviewers!
Like every year, our Editors would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Reviewers that worked with us in 2013 to ensure the diversity, scientific interest...
Like every year, our Editors would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Reviewers that worked with us in 2013 to ensure the diversity, scientific interest...
Two different stories on children and technology use have caught my eye recently: One one hand computer coding seems to soon be included in the school curriculum in England; on the other concerns have...
Low response rates present a common problem in epidemiological surveys. People with foreign background might show lower response rates, due to factors such as language problems. Different strategies to increase response rates have...
We are happy to announce the recent publication of a paper stemming from the HBSC study, examining the role of health behaviour and gender in educational inequalities in adolescent life satisfaction. But first...
In our previous blog post we discussed current rates of smoking across the world. According to this recent study Switzerland, where our Journal is based, is amongst the countries with a high prevalence...
This Saturday use a lighter. Not to light a cigarette, of course, but only the virtual candles of the birthday cake of smoking awareness. For on January 11th 1964, the Surgeon General of the...
Happy New Year everyone! We are back for good and this is officially our first post of 2014! Shortly before we left, we had talked about new year’s resolutions . I cannot prove it,...
You hear it in the media. You hear it from your doctor. Hey, you have even heard if in this blog. Physical activity is good for you. Physical activity is good for everyone. But...
I must confess, I was not really sure what “sensory stimulation” is until today. Google tells me (at least in the first pages of the search) that sensory stimulation can be part of therapy...
At least that’s what Guidelines say you should do! And -most importantly- what children should do as well! According to UK Guidelines young children should have at least 60 minutes per day...
We recently published a study * at the International Journal of Public Health, that looks into the prevalence of the “sandwich generation” in Ireland and its impact on self-reported health. I must confess: until...
Mortality patterns in Europe after 1990 have been extensively analyzed. Such patterns, however, have not been adequately studied for the periods before that. In a recently published study at the International Journal of Public...
In a recently published study at the International Journal of Public Health, the authors aimed to investigate health-promoting behaviours and their determinants, including social support and sociodemographic characteristics in Iranian women. In addition, womens’...
A newly published study at the International Journal of Public Health sought to investigate the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in France and its association with socioeconomic position. Data was taken from the French National...
Although the contribution of health care to survival from cancer has been studied extensively, much less is known about its contribution to population health. In a recently published study at the International Journal of...
Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health problem and has severe implications. There is a correlation between antibiotic misuse, self-medication with antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance. This is why the WHO describes self-medication with antibiotics...
A while ago, we announced a call for systematic reviews on topics relevant issues addressed at the Conference Environment and Health 2013 ; the winner of the call would win a travel award to...
Climate change might impact health through temperature changes, extreme weather events, air pollution, as well as through exacerbations of food shortages and vector- food- and water-borne diseases. Moreover, climate change might also impact health...
Evidence supports the beneficial health impact of an increase in primary care physicians for underserved populations. However, given the shortage of primary care physicians in many countries, the authors of this recently published paper...
A newly published study in the International Journal of Public Health sought to describe health literacy and its association with substance use among young men in Switzerland. Data were taken from the Cohort Study...