Tagged: health inequalities
* This is a guest blogpost by Isabel Iguacel. Isabel is a psychologist, nurse, economist and PhD student at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. She is the lead author of our recently published paper...
This is a blog post by Patrick Präg on a paper we recently published. Patrick is a researcher at Oxford University’s Department of Sociology and a Fellow at Nuffield College. Patrick holds a PhD in Sociology from...
picture credit Racial and ethnic disparities in infant health are common worldwide and of particular interest in countries that are highly ethnically admixed, like many South American countries. We recently published a study that...
Evidence supports the beneficial health impact of an increase in primary care physicians for underserved populations. However, given the shortage of primary care physicians in many countries, the authors of this recently published paper...
The health of people of Roma ethnicity, has been shown to be poorer compared to people of non-Roma ethnicity in various studies. Health inequalities are bigger in Central and Eastern Europe and they might...
The International Journal of Public Health has just published a special issue on life course influences on health and health inequalities. Life course research explores the long-term effects of biological, physical and social exposures...
The Internatonal Journal of Public Health is very much focused on social inequalities in health! We recently published a special issue on the subject, as well as a Supplement on social determinants of child...
We are happy to announce the publication of the October issue of the International Journal of Public Health! After publishing a special issue on Health of Ethnic Minorities, IJPH continues to refelct on the...
The International Journal of Public Health is very much interested in work relating to socioeconomic inequalities in health. In the past, we have published a themed issue on that subject, while relevant papers appear...
The economic crisis of the last years, often referred to as “great recession” has raised many discussions on how it could affect our health. The World Health Organization issued a statement on the matter...
While browsing through my favourite public health blogs, I came across an article on Patient Navigation , by Pamela Fayerman published in the Vancouver Sun. I had never heard of this term before, so...
The International Journal of Public Health is happy to announce that a new Call for Papers entitled “Life course influences on health and health inequalities: moving towards a Public Health Perspective” has been opened!...