Tagged: health inequalities


Health inequalities in the United States and Europe

This is a blog post by Patrick Präg on a paper we recently published.  Patrick is a researcher at Oxford University’s Department of Sociology and a Fellow at Nuffield College. Patrick holds a PhD in Sociology from...

Launch of the UCL Institute of Health Equity 0

Launch of the UCL Institute of Health Equity

The Internatonal Journal of Public Health is very much focused on social inequalities in health! We recently published a special issue on the subject, as well as a Supplement on social determinants of child...

GPS for health needs, aka patient navigators! 0

GPS for health needs, aka patient navigators!

While browsing through my favourite public health blogs, I came across an article on Patient Navigation , by Pamela Fayerman published in the Vancouver Sun. I had never heard of this term before, so...