Tagged: public health courses
We are happy to announce a new course from the Swiss School of Public Health + (SSPH+) entitled “Conducting Qualitative Research in Health: Writing and Getting Published”. This course provides an introduction to writing...
We are happy to announce a new course on statistics offered by the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+). The course will be held on 6th and 7th of March 2013 at the Institute...
The Swiss School of Public Health+ is offering another very useful course for people interested in health care evaluation: Dr Thomas Gsponer and Professor Marcel Zwahlen will be the facilitators of the course, entitled...
We are happy to announce a new course from the Swiss School of Public Health +, entitled “How to pass your research protocol through an ethics review committee”. The course will focus on what...
The Swiss School of Public Health + (SSPH+) has announced new courses! Click on the links below for more details! 05.09.2011- 09.09.2011: SSPH+ Course “Observational Epidemiological Studies: Advanced Methods for Design and Analysis”, Prof....