Words matter! Social versus spatial distancing
“Social distancing” is a term that most of us have not used or given it a second thought until recently. Nowadays, it seems every second phrase we use or hear is that. Social distancing...
“Social distancing” is a term that most of us have not used or given it a second thought until recently. Nowadays, it seems every second phrase we use or hear is that. Social distancing...
A while ago we reproduced a lightbulb joke, relevant to public health research. We now come back with another one! (source) – How many public health people does it take to change a...
New year brought some changes in the Intnerational Journal of Public Health: One of our Editors in Chief since 2001, Thomas Abel, is stepping down from his role to focus more on his own...
Today the Managing Editor of the International Journal of Public Health, Anke Berger, introduces us to a new exciting section of the journal. ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Public health is by definition closely related to the welfare...