Tagged: social inequalities
If you are interested in social inequalities in Roma people as much as we do (recent examples here, here and here), you might be interested in having two newly published reports that were produced...
In our previous blog post we discussed current rates of smoking across the world. According to this recent study Switzerland, where our Journal is based, is amongst the countries with a high prevalence...
The HBSC is a cross-national study that has been researching health behaviour amongst 11-15 year olds since 30 years! Data is collected every 4 years in 43 different countries and the research is conducted...
We are happy to announce the publication of the October issue of the International Journal of Public Health! After publishing a special issue on Health of Ethnic Minorities, IJPH continues to refelct on the...
The International Journal of Public Health is very much interested in work relating to socioeconomic inequalities in health. In the past, we have published a themed issue on that subject, while relevant papers appear...
While browsing through my favourite public health blogs, I came across an article on Patient Navigation , by Pamela Fayerman published in the Vancouver Sun. I had never heard of this term before, so...
The International Journal of Public Health is happy to announce that a new Call for Papers entitled “Life course influences on health and health inequalities: moving towards a Public Health Perspective” has been opened!...