Category: food for thought

When Public Health is being creative! 1

When Public Health is being creative!

I have previously tried to convince you that Public Health can  be fun! Today I would like to add that some Public Health researchers have been really creative and I think their efforts deserve...

GPS for health needs, aka patient navigators! 0

GPS for health needs, aka patient navigators!

While browsing through my favourite public health blogs, I came across an article on Patient Navigation , by Pamela Fayerman published in the Vancouver Sun. I had never heard of this term before, so...

Food for thought: Is doing a PhD a waste of time? 0

Food for thought: Is doing a PhD a waste of time?

With the somewhat provocative (and relatively depressing)  title “Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic” , the Economist addresses an issue that will probably touch a few cords- albeit for different reasons. In a nutshell, Academia...