To e-smoke or not to e-smoke? Join the debate!
To e-smoke or not to e-smoke: is that a question? With this title our Editor in Chief, Nino Künzli, introduces and places in context two invited commentaries on e-cigarettes. Both these commentaries...
To e-smoke or not to e-smoke: is that a question? With this title our Editor in Chief, Nino Künzli, introduces and places in context two invited commentaries on e-cigarettes. Both these commentaries...
We are happy to present you the second IJPH issue of this year! Twenty-two papers covering a variety of subjects, including smoking, physical activity, socioeconomic inequalities, amongst others! In this issue you will also...
Like every year, our Editors would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Reviewers that worked with us in 2013 to ensure the diversity, scientific interest...
A while ago, we announced a call for systematic reviews on topics relevant issues addressed at the Conference Environment and Health 2013 ; the winner of the call would win a travel award to...
A while ago, we had posted about a study we published, regarding an online registry fro knowledge translation methods and tools (available for FREE download on pdf and html). We have just published a...
The International Journal of Public Health has just published a special issue on life course influences on health and health inequalities. Life course research explores the long-term effects of biological, physical and social exposures...
Another year has gone by and it would be a great omission not to thank the people who reviewed the submissions for the International Journal of Public Health during 2011! Two hundred and eighty...
New year brought some changes in the Intnerational Journal of Public Health: One of our Editors in Chief since 2001, Thomas Abel, is stepping down from his role to focus more on his own...
Ho, ho, ho! Are you in the holiday mood yet? Well, we are! So -just before we go away for a few days- we decided to show our appreciation to our readers by providing...
Archives of Public Health, a long standing Public Health Journal and the official journal of the Belgian Association of Public Health, just announced its collaboration with BioMed Central! Archives of Public Health is “an...
Today the Managing Editor of the International Journal of Public Health, Anke Berger, introduces us to a new exciting section of the journal. ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Public health is by definition closely related to the welfare...
An anthropologist, an epidemiologist and a statistician are riding a train to Edinburgh. As the train goes into Scotland they see a flock of sheep out the window. One sheep is not white, at...